Sunday, November 25, 2012

I went crazy on BLACK FRIDAY...

We left home at around 10:00 pm on Thursday, drove to the mall, and waited for the doors to open at midnight. By far, I would say that this year there were the best sales ever!

But then, I spent the time from when I got home, which was late in the evening, sleeping for about twelve hours.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, I just REALLY want the holidays to come!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Once upon a time, and iPad mini was born...

November 16, 2012 is a very important day in history. It is the day the iPad mini, engraved to the name Vikram Prasad, was born, completed, and tested in Shenzhen, China.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Check out my new "ONLY ART!" page!

You will mostly only see digital art, becuase most of my paper art is much bigger than the size of my scanner. BUT, once my iPad mini arrives, I'll be sure to take pictures of the rest and post them.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

How much longer till November 27?

The day my iPad arrives is sooooo far away! I feel like it's been a month since November 5 (the day I ordered it)!

Monday, November 5, 2012


I'm sooooo happy right now! Could my dream actually come true for once? Although my iPad mini is only expected to arrive on November 27, it's just heart-warming to hear that the order has been placed. What makes me feel much better is that on top of getting such a wonderful iPad, it is laser engraved to my name.

I can't wait for November 27 to come!