Friday, December 28, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays Everyone! <3

I'll be posting pictures of all my Christmas presents tomorrow!...

What I got for Christmas...

An original painting

Cute monkey gloves

My iPad mini (it was also part of my birthday gift)

A Paul frank Julius clock

A Taj Mahal wooden building kit (it looks so impossible; I think it'll be decades until I finish!)

A delicious looking gift box

Crayola Crayon Maker

A book (The serpent's Shadow, by Rick Riordan)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

This is what I am getting for Christmas...

I just love it; because it has beautiful colors and abstraction.

It is an original painting, and one of the things that I have bought so far in Pennsylvania.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I went crazy on BLACK FRIDAY...

We left home at around 10:00 pm on Thursday, drove to the mall, and waited for the doors to open at midnight. By far, I would say that this year there were the best sales ever!

But then, I spent the time from when I got home, which was late in the evening, sleeping for about twelve hours.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, I just REALLY want the holidays to come!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Once upon a time, and iPad mini was born...

November 16, 2012 is a very important day in history. It is the day the iPad mini, engraved to the name Vikram Prasad, was born, completed, and tested in Shenzhen, China.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Check out my new "ONLY ART!" page!

You will mostly only see digital art, becuase most of my paper art is much bigger than the size of my scanner. BUT, once my iPad mini arrives, I'll be sure to take pictures of the rest and post them.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

How much longer till November 27?

The day my iPad arrives is sooooo far away! I feel like it's been a month since November 5 (the day I ordered it)!

Monday, November 5, 2012


I'm sooooo happy right now! Could my dream actually come true for once? Although my iPad mini is only expected to arrive on November 27, it's just heart-warming to hear that the order has been placed. What makes me feel much better is that on top of getting such a wonderful iPad, it is laser engraved to my name.

I can't wait for November 27 to come!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

What I Bought Today...

Well, it's the weekend, and of course, that's mean I have to buy something. So you probably wonder, "What did he buy this time?" Uhh... I know, I'm addicted to shopping at Abercrombie. But today, I bought something that I really needed... a soooo comfortable winter jacket to keep me warm through the blizzard that is expected!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Why do I want to go to bed so early today?

I'm already getting SOOOO sleepy!

I'll apologize in advance of how negative this post is...

  • I want to give up on everything in life.
  • Why on earth does school have to be so hard? Can we ever get a break?
  • Can I just start crying now?
  • Does the school realize that they are killing their students with the amount of studying (the homework isn't so bad)?
  • Can't I ever get time to socialize?
  • I am ready for what schools and teachers have for me.
  • I'll not give up, and try my best!

I just want to play with Sotoris and share some precious music with him!

Yummy... Rainboworeos!

Can I be more excited?

I have the busiest schedule tomorrow and the following weekend. How can I look forward to my weekend!?!?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

On my Desk Today...

I stumbled upon on my desk today this priority mail envelope, with my name on it. My mind was totally confused. I had no idea what it could be, and who would spend five dollars and fifty cents just to mail it to me?

A priority mail envelope on my desk... but what could it be?

I take a little peep to see what could be inside...


NO WAY! My Starry River of the Sky Glow in the Dark Stickers arrived!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sotiris is Lonely...

My violin (Sotiris) is very lonely... and I plan on getting him these friends to give him company at home.But seriously, ukes interest me, and I just love the fun things you can play, and a guitar is extremely cool (especially the way they design them).

My two new future family members...
Uke is excited to join my family, and I am excited to play him!


Today was a tiring day...

I spent the last three and a half hours doing my truckload of homework.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My New Family Members

My violin (Sotiris) is very lonely... and I plan on getting him these friends to give him company at home.But seriously, ukes interest me, and I just love the fun things you can play, and a guitar is extremely cool (especially the way they design them).

My future family members...

This is my future/dream guitar! I still need to figure out what to name this one...

Uke is excited to join my family, and I am excited to play him! I have decided to name this one Luke.


Rolling in the Deep on Violin

Oh my gosh... I want to be able to play like this!

I just really want to watch Cartoon Network right now...

He's Funny...

Just chillin' and sayin' hello!

I'll be there, Beemo, don't worry!

Ummmm.... Just Pictures?


Santa... can I have a better ukulele for Christmas this year?

I have another orchestra audition soon...

I am:
  • scared
  • nervous
  • excited
  • ready for anything!